Kenny from KY OTTB
Eleganze, YEH, Warmblood, Eventer
Thanks for Looking!
Gina Arcate
Closing Belle, Warmblood/tb
Hunter Champion, Foxhunter
Barry, warmblood Foxhunter
Jack, APHA,
Royal Sport
Friesian Sport Horse.
Midnight Warmblood
Closing Belle/Hann/Old
The Fox Hunt
"It is the union of man and animal in the beauty of nature's setting. Mounted men and women are privileged to follow and watch this timeless drama of hunter and hunted. The fox or coyote maneuvers, circles, runs and dodges, trying cunningly to escape the pack. The hounds pursue across plains or through woods, over fields or across creeks, into mashes and over rock walls and fences. All the while, the music of hounds in full cry and the stirring call of the horn echoes through the chase. It's a crescendo of sounds and sights that thrills you beyond imagination. Foxhunting is the grand opera of hunting. Mother Nature is the stage manager; baying hounds and hunting horns are the orchestra; pack and prey are the actors. Huntsmen and horses-in front-row seats-make up the audience. As they watch, the plot gradually plays out before them until the prey at last is lost, accounted for or goes to ground. Every performance is unique; no show is ever repeated. Foxhunting provides those fleeting moments of total abandonment-of wind-in-your-hair, bugs-in-your-teeth kind of living. At its best, it is totally out of control. Hounds are screaming, hooves are thundering, the horn is blasting as you race and jump across country to die for, often in weather not fit for man or beast. It is the original extreme sport and the sport of country people from every generation since the beginning of time."
Excerpt from the book "Whipper-in", by Dennis J. Foster, by permission from the author.